Compiled by one of the world's leading experts on the subject of the air war over the Eastern Front, Christer Bergström, Kursk: The Air Battle, is the third in a series of books covering the major phases of the air war in this theatre of operations. It will be required reading for all historians of the Luftwaffe during World War II and those with a specific interest in the Eastern Front in particular. The German 'Kursk' offensive, 'Operation Zitadelle,' was launched on July 4, 1943. Strong Soviet defense ensured that the Germans failed to make their planned breakthrough and, after three weeks, defense was turned to attack by the Soviets, as two counter-attacks saw the Red Army seize the initiative and ultimately force the Germans to retreat. During the month of August, Soviet forces recaptured strategic cities such as Oryol, Belgorod, and Kharkov. This book provides a detailed history of the air battles that were a part of this operation. To date, no single study has been written in English on the air aspects of the battle in which, literally, thousands of aircraft were pitted against each other. The strength of the author's writing lies in its detail, his ability to tell the story from the viewpoints of both sides, and from both strategic and tactical contexts. There is also much unique eye-witness material and the text will be accompanied by a large number of rare and previously unpublished photographs, 'biography boxes', plus data tables, technical assessments, and appendices.