2005, paper covers, 8 1/2 x 11, glossy page stock, 92 pages, 200 drawings and 45 rare photos . We spent hundreds of hours accurately measuring survivors and over a thousand hours drawing at full-scale to create as-built drawings for the first time - accurate to the same tight tolerances demanded of the original assembly firms. Hundreds of research hours went into finding the numerous previously unnoticed modifications. Therefore, we have selected the unique approach of using 1/10th scale drawings to illustrate the smallest details, while six-view (including right side and belly) 1/35th scale drawings are still used for the complete Jagdpanther. We also created flat-plane drawings of many components to aid modelers make accurate parts that are hard to replicate when only drawn at angle. This book is also loaded with information on the development history, production, unit organization, issue, tactics, and wartime reports from front-line units.